A Saint Patrick's Day Show (March 17th, 2000) at Mountain Shots Espresso Bar.
Click here or on Andy->
A painting done by Bill Collins, and several photos from our September 30th, 2001 show at the
Matrix Coffeehouse. Click here or on Esther-->
The first experiment A Thousand Young tried with a full electric sound live, with Mark "Benny" Benson
on fretless bass, and Dave Benson on drums. On February 17th, 2001 at the Matrix Coffeehouse.
Click here or the Benny/Esther/Andy pic-->
A Thousand Young's "comeback gig" on May 31st, 2003. The link will take you to another site, (the
photography site of Keith Jewell), where you can view the thumbnails, medium sized jpgs, or huge jpgs
where you can view our pores! You'll need to skip the first page if you aren't interested in pics of the
artists that opened for us (Jen Grady and David Simpson, respectively), but I don't see why you wouldn't be,
since they're both so pretty! Click here
or on the Esther/Andy pic-->
A Thousand Young played with drummer/pianist Rupert Wild on May 29th, 2004. I did my best to
eliminate the red eye, which may make us look a little funky.
Click here
or on the Esther/Rupert pic-->